In order to introduce the "Basic Concept" about what "Travel" means, I'd say, it's "to go from one place to another" either traditionally by horseback, by bicycle or by train in our western culture.It meant that man had always used some form of traveling, way before our modern means of traveling today ! Imagine that we take for granted the modern railroad system, the Rapid Transit System in NYC, the Metro in Mexico City, in Caracas, in Paris and in so many other metropolitan areas in the world. There is also the AMTRAK rail service all throughout the U.S interconnecting people from different cities and entire families. And then, we have come to know for most of us of a certain age, the automobile on the streets and that includes all the cars, trucks, city buses, and deluxe buses with beds and toilet service. Notice that when man was using camel and horseback, there was only dirt road; and there was no knowledge of technological, sophisticated means...